

Apr 15, 2018Comments off

Fiber-reinforced plastic with differentiated stiffness The Flectofin is a hingeless flapping apparatus inspired by the deformation principle found in the plant Strelitzia reginae, a flowering


Mar 11, 2018Comments off

Plug-in-play building monitoring system Researchers at KieranTimberlake have developed a Wireless Sensor Network to monitor building performance and behavior. Seeking to make buildings as climate


Feb 11, 2018Comments off

Smart foil responsive surface Lotus is a responsive surface made of pieces of smart foil that fold open in response to human proximity. When one


Feb 04, 2018Comments off

Bricks made from salvaged building materials WasteBasedBrick originated in Eindhoven, Netherlands, home to the Design Academy, where Tom van Soest was a student. He noted

Solar Roadways

Jan 28, 2018Comments off

Electricity-generating solar road modules To be most effective, solar power requires an expansive area for energy harvesting as well as a limited distance across which

Solar Activated Facade

Jan 21, 2018Comments off

Solar thermal glass and wood cladding system Conventional facades attempt to decouple the building interior from the exterior. The Solar Activated Facade (SAF) is designed

Fibonacci’s Mashrabiya

Jan 14, 2018Comments off

Fractal-based environmental screen Mashrabiya is an Arabic term for a type of bay window with carved wooden latticework. A traditional element of Arabic architecture, the

Drawing Series

Jan 07, 2018Comments off

Sketch-based wireframe furniture When first encountering one of Korean designer Jinil Park’s Drawing series, the viewer is likely to see the work as a two-dimensional

Bar Code

Jan 06, 2018Comments off

Stratified glass light wall The Bar Code project celebrates the vibrant and kaleidoscopic interplay between material and media. Designed by Höweler and Yoon Architecture, Bar


Dec 24, 2017Comments off

Wind-responsive illuminated mesh Windscreen is a lightweight architectural lattice composed of an array of small wind turbines. The wind-activated structure generates and consumes renewable energy,