Van Gogh Path

April 22, 2018
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Photoluminescent paving surface

The Smart Highway project, developed by Studio Roosegaarde and Heijmans, envisions responsive roadways that employ energy, light, and data to create safer and more informative driving experiences. The team built a test roadbed with photoluminescent stripes that absorb daylight and emit light during the evening for up to eight hours.

The project also includes a version tailored to pedestrians and bicyclists. The Van Gogh Path is composed of thousands of fluorescent stones, which are embedded in paving in spiraling patterns to invoke the artist’s celebrated painting Starry Night. Like the Glowing Lines roadbed, the Van Gogh Path utilizes sunlight for passive nocturnal illumination. One of the first paths was installed in Neunen, Netherlands, the place where Van Gogh lived in the late nineteenth century. With swirling constellations that mirror the night sky, the path is an intelligent marriage of public art and infrastructure.

Contact: Studio Roosegaarde, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

For more information, see Transmaterial Next: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine Our Future

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