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Trigger Points

Aug 17, 2011Comments off

Therapeutic plaster moldings Massage therapists commonly work to access and manipulate multiple trigger points in the body as a means of aiding diverse ailments. Design

Light-Sensitive Concrete

Aug 13, 2011Comments off

Light-sensitive interface integrated within a concrete surface Light-Sensitive Concrete is a technology that allows concrete to be sensitive to ambient light levels. It senses the

Crystallized Glass Stone

Aug 10, 2011Comments off

Glass stone tiles and slabs Crystallized Glass Stone tiles and slabs are engineered from glass materials to create a high-density, heat and wear-resistant product for

Laser-Cut Cork

Aug 06, 2011Comments off

Laser-cut cork composite surfaces Laser-Cut Cork surfaces are made from the by-product of wine stopper production. Developed by Yemi Awosile, the material benefits from the

SLAP Widgets

Aug 02, 2011Comments off

Transparent tangible controls for multi-touch tables SLAP Widgets are tangible controls such as knobs, sliders, buttons, and keyboards for interactive tables. They are made of

Heat Treated Carpet

Jul 30, 2011Comments off

Reused carpet sheeting material Carpet is typically used for 7-10 years (residential) or 5-8 years (commercial), and re-carpeting accounts for 55% of all carpet sold.

Wall Washer XB

Jul 26, 2011Comments off

Wall washing lighting system Wall Washer XB-18 and XB-36 are high-power LED fixtures that generate high brightness single-color or color-changing light for a rich wall-washing


Jul 23, 2011Comments off

Wave modulation-based sculptural light The sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and sawtooth are various forms of modulations that are combined to create music, sound,