
February 24, 2019
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Cellular glass thermal insulation

Thermal weak spots in building facades, known as thermal bridges, often thwart the goal of more energy-efficient architecture. Buildings commonly exhibit linear thermal bridges at key structural connections, such as at the foundation, floor lines, or parapet. Structural materials like masonry, steel, and concrete are relatively poor insulators, yet they occupy these critical junctures for load-bearing purposes.

Foamglas is a cellular glass insulation developed for such load-bearing applications. A dimensionally stable material with a high compressive strength, it is noncombustible, waterproof, impervious to water vapor, pest resistant, and acid resistant. Foamglas slabs, boards, and tapered wedges are designed to occupy critical structural zones in building envelopes that are typically thermal weak spots. Foamglas Perinsul HL (high load), for example, has a compressive strength of 400 psi and a thermal conductivity of R-2.5 per inch of thickness. Combining excellent structural and insulation properties, the material is appropriate for use in highly thermally efficient buildings, such as Passive House projects.

Contact: Pittsburgh Corning Europe NV, Tessenderlo, Belgium.

For more information, see Transmaterial Next: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine Our Future

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