

May 03, 2008Comments off

Solar-powered-LED light fixture Tsola is a recessed LED unit that uses natural daylight to create energy-free lighting and is suitable for both horizontal and vertical

Spage Hog

Apr 20, 2008Comments off

Woven-rattan lounge chair Designed and fabricated by Project Import Export, Space Hog is inspired by the human womb and is intended to be viewed from


Apr 16, 2008Comments off

Set of legs to make an instant table Jorre van Ast’s Clamp-a-leg is designed to transform old planar surfaces into new table tops with a

X-Ray Lamp

Apr 05, 2008Comments off

Light fixture clad in repurposed x-ray film Working long hours in the lab, cancer-immunology researcher Jahan Khalili was inspired one night to create light fixtures


Apr 02, 2008Comments off

Elevated automobile storage system with integrated dwelling unit CarLoft is a vehicle storage system devised to reframe the city-dweller’s relationship with the automobile. In their


Mar 29, 2008Comments off

Recycled-polyethylene pervious-pavement grid system Stabiligrid is an economical, easy-to-install, load-bearing pervious-pavement lattice grid. It is an environmentally sound alternative to pavement, effectively reducing storm-water runoff

Noodle Block Cube

Mar 25, 2008Comments off

3D cellular shape-memory structures Lauren Moriarty’s Noodle Block Cubes represent intriguing experiments in digitally fabricated three-dimensional cellular structures that may be compressed and return to


Mar 22, 2008Comments off

Decorative wall light Burstlight is light that appears to explode from the wall surface on which it is mounted. Inspired by spiral growth patterns in


Mar 18, 2008Comments off

Paper-based humidifier with hydrophobic coating When water droplets fall on lotus leaves, they bead up into balls. Dubbed the lotus effect, this phenomenon occurs because

Soft House

Mar 14, 2008Comments off

Digitally fabricated housing with energy-harvesting and light-distributing curtains Soft House by KVA Matx transforms the household curtain into a set of energy-harvesting and light-emitting textiles