Workstation 2.0

February 2, 2009
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Translucent structural honeycomb desk

The Panelite Workstation 2.0 was originally designed in 2003 for the Illinois Institute of Technology’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center with Office for Metropolitan Architecture. The single monolithic panel of two-inch-thick honeycomb spans seven feet and features a mitered corner opposite a 6-inch-radius corner. Continuous fiberglass-reinforced-resin edging on each side exposes the honeycomb pattern while providing additional structural strength.

The core used in the Panelite cast polymer series panels is produced from 80 percent postconsumer recycled material mainly from recycled PET bottles or high-quality pharmaceutical and food packaging. Panelite supplies Workstation 2.0 in standard resin colors (orange, blue, light blue, green, magenta, red, light honey, and dark honey) and produces the table in custom colors based on a Pantone number or color chip.

Contact: Panelite, Culver City, CA, USA.

For more information, see Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine our Physical Environment

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