Wearable Synthesis

May 31, 2008
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Communicative clothing system

Researchers at Keio University’s Information Design Laboratory developed clothing designed to signal changing individual conditions. Their conceptual model was based on the analog synthesizer, which can generate an infinite variety of original sounds by connecting and tuning three modules, the VCA, VCO, and VCF. Wearable Synthesis, likewise, connects and tunes a variety of “fashion modules” as a means for personal expression and communication.

For example, an inner-wear module that senses body temperature, heart rate, or other biorhythmic condition can change its color accordingly. This information is input via an anatomical sensor and processed by microcontrollers. Once an outer wear module is connected to the inner-wear module, the outerwear may generate a signal that corresponds to this data. In the spirit of this coordinated system of information, a variety of accessories, hats, and bags have also been developed as Wearable Synthesis fashion modules.

Contact: Keio University Information Design Laboratory, Fujisawa, Japan.

For more information, see Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine our Physical Environment

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