
Shelf Space

Apr 18, 2010Comments off

CNC-machined hardwood The result of an experimental four-month collaboration with an aerospace machinery manufacturer, the fluid form of Paul Loebach’s Shelf Space pushes the limits


Apr 08, 2010Comments off

Sensing surface for interactive applications Sensetable is a hardware platform for creating an interactive digital experience on a tabletop surface. It senses the movements of


Feb 20, 2010Comments off

Digitally-fabricated Corian bench Vertebrae is a kit of parts that allows the construction of multi-scale objects that modify the spaces they inhabit. This piece, while

BBS Panels

Jan 26, 2010Comments off

Cross-laminated timber panels BBS are structural solid wood panels made of sustainably harvested, fast-growth soft wood. By laminating longitudinal and cross layers (X-LAM), the natural

Graphic Panels

Jan 15, 2010Comments off

Decorative surface panels with applied graphics Decorative Graphic Panels are created by a process that incorporates a translucent and/or graphic material applied to a variety

River Glow

Nov 27, 2009Comments off

Network of floating pods with public interface to water quality Developed by David Benjamin and Soo-in Yang, River Glow is a system of floating pods

White Noise White Light

Nov 24, 2009Comments off

Interactive fiber-optic field Meejin Yoon’s White Noise White Light was a temporary interactive light-and-sound installation commissioned and installed for the Athens 2004 Olympics. The project

Low Rez LED Net

Oct 18, 2009Comments off

Interactive double-sided LED media net Low Rez LED Net is part of a custom-built interactive public art installation consisting of a series of double-sided LED

Ombrae System

Sep 29, 2009Comments off

Sculptural imaging with optical tile Ombrae System is a patent-pending computer-based image-processing system that allows for any digital image to be embedded directly into any

Accura Bluestone

Sep 22, 2009Comments off

Engineered nanocomposite for stereolithography 3D Systems’s stereolithography process creates three-dimensional objects using a laser to cure sequential layers of material to form shapes that have