
October 15, 2017
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Retroreflective concrete

BlingCrete is a textile-reinforced concrete designed to reflect light back toward its origin. The precast panels are fabricated with an outer layer of glass microspheres that enable retroreflectivity, an optical phenomenon in which light is reflected back toward the direction it appears.

Many other retroreflective materials are exclusively fabric or film based; thus they are not as durable, permanent, or inflammable as textile-reinforced precast concrete. Also, these materials are typically applied in narrow swatches, as opposed to the large, continuous surface provided by BlingCrete.

The concrete’s reflective properties open up various design possibilities in architecture, interior design, and infrastructure. Potential applications include safety-related marking of danger spots in construction areas, integrated guidance systems, and cutting-edge surface components.

Contact: BlingCrete, Berlin, Germany.

For more information, see Transmaterial Next: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine Our Future

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