
September 29, 2023
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Durable, rigid metal panels engineered for sound absorption

Almute is an engineered metal panel that absorbs sound. Manufactured by Peer Inc., Almute represents the culmination of many years of development in advanced sintering and fine-grain metal processing. Peer Inc. mixes aluminum grains mixed with pre-alloyed metal powders and forms them into rigid panels in a sintering furnace. Sintering allows the particles to fuse together at a temperature below their melting points, and the result is a strong, durable panel that is nevertheless highly porous. It is this porosity that gives Almute its broad-band acoustic absorption characteristics.

Almute may be used outdoors in harsh, corrosive, and high-temperature environments, and is non-flammable. Almute is easily cut and installed on-site, and also provides RF and EM shielding.

Contact: Peer, Inc., Waukegan, IL, USA.

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