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Sep 07, 2011Comments off

Expanded metal mesh Amico’s APEX expanded metal mesh offers many benefits such as texture, passage of light, air movement, reduction of solar gain, high strength-to-weight ratio and a variety of manufacturing material options. Carbon steel, galvanized



Sep 04, 2011Comments off

Textured dichroic cast glass Fusion incorporates the iridescent color features of dichroic glass with clear or low iron options. Fissures and air bubbles also become integral components of the finished glass pieces, making the final appearance


PET Wall

Aug 31, 2011Comments off

Luminous repurposed polyethylene curtain Light is essential to the realization of architecture, yet in the process of design and construction it is commonly an afterthought. Not only is the source of light important for the quality


Light Tape

Aug 28, 2011Comments off

Linear electroluminescent lamps Light Tape lamps alter one’s preconceptions about point based light sources. Imagine a lightbulb as thin as a credit card in any color that can be bent around any surface for hundreds and



Aug 24, 2011Comments off

Side emitting fiber-optic diffuser screen In architecture, a doorway represents the transition from one space to another. Portal visually displays this moment of transition as a two-dimensional plane penetrated by light. As viewers watch light pass


3D-Printed Wellboard

Aug 20, 2011Comments off

3D-printed corrugated wooden material Wellboard is a lightweight, cellulose-based material pressed into a variety of profiles for use in exhibition, shop and furniture design applications. 3D-Printed Wellboard employs an image-transfer process developed by Okalux entitled Okacolor.


Trigger Points

Aug 17, 2011Comments off

Therapeutic plaster moldings Massage therapists commonly work to access and manipulate multiple trigger points in the body as a means of aiding diverse ailments. Design outfit Touchy-Feely consulted with massage therapists to develop forms of an


Light-Sensitive Concrete

Aug 13, 2011Comments off

Light-sensitive interface integrated within a concrete surface Light-Sensitive Concrete is a technology that allows concrete to be sensitive to ambient light levels. It senses the luminosity distribution throughout a concrete surface and sends the data to


Crystallized Glass Stone

Aug 10, 2011Comments off

Glass stone tiles and slabs Crystallized Glass Stone tiles and slabs are engineered from glass materials to create a high-density, heat and wear-resistant product for wall surfaces, flooring, and countertops. The smooth, non-porous surface is luminous


Laser-Cut Cork

Aug 06, 2011Comments off

Laser-cut cork composite surfaces Laser-Cut Cork surfaces are made from the by-product of wine stopper production. Developed by Yemi Awosile, the material benefits from the natural acoustic and thermal insulating properties found in cork, and is