
June 4, 2017
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Hexagonal thermoformed panels

Hex thermoformed panels are fabricated from thermofoil molded to polyethylene. In conventional practice, thermofoil (a rigid plastic finish) is thermoformed to another material, such as medium density fiberboard, for cabinetry. The thermofoil finish typically emulates natural wood grain and is therefore used to simulate the aesthetic of solid wood while reducing material cost.

Designer Andrea Valentini’s Hex panels reimagine the thermoforming process with plastic laminates to create complex surfaces in a variety of colors and textures. Hexagonal molds enable the use of a single-ply surface that is lightweight and flexible, yet also sufficiently durable for interior surface treatments. The panels are also available in a wood grain pattern,,which pokes fun at the traditional simulation of the material in thermofoil finishes.

Contact: AV Productions Studio, Providence, RI, USA.

For more information, see Transmaterial Next: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine Our Future

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