Erlus Lotus

March 11, 2006
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Self-cleaning clay roof

According to the manufacturer, Erlus Lotus is the first self-cleaning clay roof in the world. In comparison with conventional roof tiles, this system remains relatively free of dirt particles, grease deposits, soot, moss and algae. The burned-in surface finish of this Erlus clay roof tile destroys dirt particles with the aid of sunlight, and the next rain simply washes the dirt away. Erlus Lotus is also suitable for northern exposures, however, because the material reacts with as little as 30% natural daylight. The roof system achieves optimal results at temperatures of 10°C or higher.

Erlus Lotus is based on the testing norms currently being developed for self-cleaning surfaces worldwide, based on a decomposition performance of 0.1 µm per day at average natural daylight, which corresponds to a power of radiation of 10 W/m2 UVA in Central Europe.

Contact: Erlus AG, Neufahrn, Germany.

For more information, see Transmaterial: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine our Physical Environment

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