
October 3, 2008
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Stainless-steel floor system

The Gage Planium stainless-steel floor system is a high-tech flooring solution designed for maximum durability and ease of installation. The installation of the patented system eliminates the need for adhesives, cements, or grout. First, a rubber underlayment is installed over any existing level floor. Planium tiles are then aligned to the rubber underlayment and screwed into the integrated blocking plate at the four corners of each tile. The embossed stainless-steel finish was specifically designed to prevent traffic wear.

Planium tiles are only 0.28 inch (7 mm) thick, 23.6 x 23.6 inches (60 x 60 cm), and the reveals are 0.28 inch (7 mm) wide. The rubber underlayment and reveals come in standard black, but custom colors are also available.

Contact: Gage, Sparta, WI, USA.

For more information, see Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine our Physical Environment

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