Delight Cloth

September 25, 2011
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Luminous textile made with optical cloth

Delight Cloth is a light-emitting textile comprised of thousands of fiber optic strands. With a diameter of only 0.25 to 0.5 mm, the optical fibers are woven into a large translucent tapestry that can be hung vertically or horizontally. The material may be used for wall or ceiling treatments, as well as banner signage or clothing. Delight Cloth can be fabricated with imbedded graphics or logos, and may be used to emit a wide variety of colors of light.

Japan-based Tsuya textile Co., Ltd. developed “The cloth fiber cross which glittered” in cooperation with Fukui engineering center.

Contact: Lumen Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

For more information, see Transmaterial 3: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine our Physical Environment

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